Times have certainly been challenging in Australia. Firstly, with the bush fires, then the floods and now the novel coronavirus outbreak.

You have been very much in our thoughts and we remain focused on how we can better support you all in the coalface of care.

In January we created an online training course for Receptionists & Support Staff: Communication after Trauma – Part 1

I am thrilled to report nearly 400 people have accessed this course to date. Thank you all!

Working in practices for so long I knew training like this is needed but we’ve been blown away by the thoughtful feedback.

“Helped make my role more important and valuable and that we can make a huge difference to the outcome of situations that may arise daily within the surgery. 


“This training has a focus on the recent traumatic events around local communities but the core of it is so useful as a week wouldn’t go by without a patient facing difficulty so the tips are relevant in daily general practice – can only improve our team. Thank you!”

Huge shoutout of thanks to Monique Dickerson from Insight Group Facilitation for donating her time and sharing those valuable tips and strategies. I know I will never say “At least…” again! My heartfelt gratitude also to Best Practice Software, Medical Director and our PHN and consultant colleagues for generously promoting these free training resources to their practices and clients. If you are also sharing please let me know.

Practice Coach will add to and host the online trauma series indefinitely so please continue to share these free learning resources with your colleagues in health.

We  promised you this would only be the start of our support and your enthusiastic feedback has inspired us to hurry up with more!


LIVE Q+A with Psychologist Simon Matthews

17th March 2020 @ 12:30pm AEST

Register online here or at


Simon Matthews is a Registered Psychologist and CEO of Wellcoaches. He is kindly volunteering to lead us in a live webinar and help us work through  challenging front-desk conversations and situations.
This is an incredible FREE opportunity for medical receptionists & support staff.
Tell your team & REGISTER now!

Simon is one of life’s extraordinary humans and an exceptional improvement coach. Ever since I first heard Simon speak I’ve been a massive fan. I listen and learn and then want to listen and learn more. He has even recorded something for you to listen to right now – before the live webinar:

  1. Watch Simon’s pre-webinar course:  Communication After Trauma II – Scenarios and Strategies
  2. Book in for the LIVE WEBINAR ON 17 March
    When you register for the webinar you will be invited to submit any scenarios or circumstances that have been challenging for you lately and Simon will work through them with us – how fabulous is that!

Alternatively, feel free to email your question/scenario to [email protected] anytime before the webinar.
The Practice Coach crew (Kim Poyner, Riwka Hagen, Dr Tony Lembke and myself) will be in the webinar too.

We look forward to seeing you online the 17th of March!


Read more testimonials for: Communication after Trauma – Part 1

“That we can and definitely do make a difference in our patients lives. Especially at the moment when it has been so overwhelming for everyone even those that haven’t been actually affected by the recent events.

Thank you for your time and input into training and supporting medical reception staff.
We are at the frontline and are often forgotten about as the clinic goes about its busy day”.

I work in the hospital in my other job and will be recommending this to the training team. Awesome work!

I will ensure all my reception staff train on this video as body language is such a key element of communication. So often staff react rather than listen.”

Knowing that we can and should make a difference in our patients lives.

“Great course – should be recommended for all reception staff.”


Thank you for doing what you do.
Know that we are thinking of you in these difficult times.
Together we are better. 

With best wishes to you all

Katrina Otto
Managing Director, Train IT Medical Pty Ltd
& Director, The Practice Excellence Institute | Practice Coach




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