The new Practice Incentives Program: Quality Improvement – PIPQI starts today – 1 August 2019!
Read official details from the Department of Health here.

Train IT Medical Principal Katrina Otto has now delivered 11 workshops on PIP QI for 385 GPs, nurses, practice managers, PHN and practice support staff across Australia so we’ve heard plenty of questions and have plenty of answers for you. We’ve continually improved our presentations based on some surprising findings when delivering the workshops (more on that next blog) and while a PowerPoint is by no means training we believe in sharing as much as we can so here are our recent presentations.

Katrina has also been posting video answers to PIP QI FAQs and sharing via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Connect with us on any of those social media channels to follow the conversations but here’s our top 3 most popular PIPQI posts:
1. What should practices be doing right now to prepare?
2. “What are the targets?”
3. “What is your main message?”
(which includes governance over who enters what data).

Check out our brand new ‘PIPQI and Data Driven Improvements’ free access webpage where we are regularly adding new resources. We’ve also collated our favourite links to what we think are the best free websites around for PIPQI free resources.

Ask us about our popular new free resources for you:
PDSA samples created in our recent workshops. NB. This is a double-sided page document with 3 different sample quality improvement activities – designed to prompt some quality improvement conversations.
PIP QI Measures Worksheet – sample created for you by team Train IT Medical Sue.

Data driven improvements are our speciality and we’ve been preparing for PIP QI since 2017 so we have many resources to share – this is just the start. And in case you missed our previous relevant blogs here are some:
Katrina’s interview with HotDoc – ‘What is PIP QI & what does it mean for clinics?”
Cancer Screening & Prevention – blog
Cancer Screening cheatsheets for MedicalDirector & Bp Premier
Data Aggregation using Pen CS – blog

Huge thanks to everyone who has attended our recent workshops and contributed with ideas for continual improvements. Special shoutout of thanks to the wonderful PHN teams, especially those we are working closely with to deliver online and in person PIP QI training for:

Central & Eastern Sydney PHN
Nepean Blue Mountains PHN
Eastern Melbourne
Murray PHN
North Queensland PHN
Primary Health Tasmania
and wonderful WAPHA.
If you are a practice located in the any of the above catchment areas ask your PHN about our additional learning resources including our brand new PIP QI eLearning video.

#bettertogether #sharetocare


Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.

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